Tips for Transitioning a Loved One to Senior Community Living

You’ve shared birthdays, holidays, graduation, weddings, and so many more of life’s most precious moments. Now, you and your siblings share the responsibility of caring for your newly dependent parent. Though it can be stressful to make life-altering decisions on behalf of your parent, coming together as a family to address your parent’s needs can…

Preventing Heat Stress During Summer Months

Wishing everyone a very happy and safe INDEPENDENCE DAY weekend!  Please remember that the elderly are prone to heat stress during the hot summer months.  I include an important resource on this subject: Heat-related emergencies are preventable as long as you follow these tips, including to Stay Cool, Stay Hydrated, and Stay Informed. Read more…

Starting the Search for Senior Housing

Now that the Holidays are over, it may be time to find the right place for Mom (or Dad, or Auntie Marie). This may be a great opportunity to discuss the many positive aspects of moving to an independent or assisted living community. Starting the search for senior housing is a powerful decision. Such a move is emotional and stressful…

Caring for Mom and Dad… Who Live Far Away

The new year often brings about big decisions for adult children who have concerns about care for their elderly parents, especially if they live in another city or out of state. In this newsletter, I will share Sheryl Guterman’s story, and how she faced this tough situation. Sheryl Guterman needed support as she faced the…

Excellent Resources for Seniors

There are some amazing resources out there for seniors and their families. Take a look at the California Department of Aging website ( for information on everything “senior” including access to information on improving the quality of their lives, community involvement, and support for family members providing care. Another great resource is the Long Term Care…